So a couple times, I have been asked what is the difference between Elves and Half Elves, and there aren’t a lot of differences, and those differences happen to be pretty subtle! So I thought I would take the time to point out the key differences.
So, for starters, we have three characters who are of Elven descent: Mira, Enna, and Delsys. Mira is a High Elf (later we’ll meet elves that are not necessarily high elves), both Enna and Delsys are Half Elves.
The first main difference is the ears. I’ve tried to keep Half-Elf ears shorter, closer to human ears with a slight point. Obviously sometimes, when I am drawing them, they appear a little longer than I intend. Elf ears should be much longer and more pointed, they really only round off at the lobe. While I like the aesthetic of more rabbit like ears, or even the absurdly long WoW ears, I try to keep mine at least someone realistic.
The next difference is the eyes. I love drawing eyes, they are one of my favorite things to draw…. correction, I like drawing close ups of eyes, because sometimes it is absolutely impossible to get the eyes to match up and look correct, and then….. Art is hard….
Elven eyes look very similar to cat’s eyes, their pupils are vertical, which allow them to control how much light they can take in, acting very similar to an aperture in a camera. This is my way of explaining “tell me what your Elven eyes see” and allows them to see in the dark with Dark vision. I also give elves much brighter and more vibrant eyes. Mira’s are a deep purple.
A preliminary sketch of a Sun Elf
Half elven eyes are fairly similar to human eyes in all appearances. I do however, give both Delsys and Enna brighter colored eyes, in opposition to the dull grey of Lyra’s eyes.
I do want to talk briefly about the different kinds of elves in this world. Mira, as I mentioned is a High Elf, this more denotes the part of the world where she comes from: the High Forrest. Later in the story, we will be able to see more of the culture of the Elves from the High Forrest,
Enna is also part High Elf, but she is a sub variant that call themselves Sun Elves. This is mostly denoted in her coppery coloring.
Delsys is a half Wood Elf. Wood Elves tend to be more druidic, and avoid large cities, including elven cities. Their culture also tends to be nomadic.
That’s about all I have on Elves! I can’t wait to keep drawing, and dive more into the lives of my characters! The world of Bardic Inspiration is vast, and something I have been plotting for forever, so I am excited to share it!