Updating and Scheduling

So, because I am not a full time artist like I want to be, I do have to go to work on a regular basis. My office right now is pretty empty but that doesn’t mean I have less work to do. No! I actually have more.

I will be trying to get the next update of Bardic Inspiration out in early April. I do want to warn everyone that I did get Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and I am prone to video game based distractions.

Coming up is the final chapters of the Necromancer’s Cave arc, and then we will be going back to Vannet for some shopping. We will also be meeting two new characters very soon, and I will be posting character sheets here, both for our main ladies, and the two new characters who you have yet to meet!

That’s all for now, I love you all very much, and thank you for being even a little interested in my comics and my ramblings!